Wellness Journaling to the better you!

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023 

 Medical learners are constantly busy with classes, clinical rotations, on-call schedules, etc.

Finding time to turn off the learner part of your brain and just relax can be a challenge but 

     journaling and writing can provide a great outlet for stress relief and self-reflection.


  Here are 5 points for medical learners to know about the benefits of journaling and writing as a wellness downtime project and skill:

  1. Stress relief  Journaling and writing can be a therapeutic way to relieve pent-up emotions and thoughts. By putting words to your feelings and experiences, you can gain a better understanding of them and find ways to cope with stress.
  2. Improved mental clarity Journaling and writing can help you organize your thoughts and ideas, leading to improved mental clarity and focus. This can be especially beneficial for medical learners who are constantly bombareded with new information.
  3. Increased self-awareness Journaling and writing can help you gain insight into your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. This increased self-awareness can lead to better decision-making and improved relationships with others.
  4. Better memory retention Writing down what you learn can help you remember it better. By journaling your thoughts and experiences during clinical rotations, you can solidify the information in your mind and make it easier to recall later.
  5. Personal growth It allows you to reflect on your experiences and learn from them, helping you to grow as a person and as a medical learner.

    Overall, journaling and writing can be a valuable skill for medical learners to develop. It provides a way to relax, reflect and grow, helping you to be the best student and physician you can be.
    Who knows? It could be the start of a side career as an author,  just like Alex Lyttle MD , award winning children's author. (see alexlyttle.com )
    Dr Lyttle started writing as a medical learner during his oncology rotations. 

    From Ant to Eagle | CBC Books


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          with these exceptional tools. 


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