Furnished Rent by room - Address:  487, Louisville street, Hemet, CA 92545

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Address:  487, Louisville street, Hemet, CA 92545 

Background checks will be required for this room. No Exceptions.

  1. Rent: $1,000 per month

  2. Utilities Bills: Included

  3. Security deposit: $750

  4. Property type: Single House

  5. Room furnishing: Furnished

  6. Preferred gender: Anyone welcome

  7. Available on: September 14

  8. Stay length: 3 - 36 months ?

  9. Parking available: Yes

  10. Internet included : yes

  11.  LGBT+ friendly

  12. Students welcome

  13. 40+ years welcome

  14. Tenants must be 20 years and above


When Rooms are available and Rent Info:


  1. All rooms furnished. Personal Furniture are not allowed.

  2. Rooms are available from 14th Sept. 2024 onwards.

  3. Single family house with 7 Bedrooms and 3 bath.

  4. Master furnished Bedroom - has own bath - $1375 Each

  5. Private Furnished room with Shared bathroom - $1000 Rent: $1,000 per month






    Utilities are included.

  2. Washer and Dryer are provided.

  3. Microwave is provided.

  4. Cooking stove or gas is provided.

  5. Refrigerator is provided. 6) Parking space available.



 About Rules


  1. No loud noise or Parties are allowed.

  2. No Pets - Dogs or cats are not allowed.

  3. Smoking or Vaping are not allowed on property.

  4. Not 420 friendly.

  5. Personal furniture, Beds and Refrigerator are not allowed. Mini Regrigerator is allowed.

  6. RV parking is not allowed.

  7. Overnight Stay for spouse, Girlfriend, friends and childrens are not allowed.

Property location

487 Louisville Street, Hemet, California , United States

Housing School Hospital

Availability (Landlord hasn't updated for over 90 days)
