Furnished Large basement room + private entrance near Ballston metro, I-66, Route 50 close to VHC

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Room available in this beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with large backyard. Basement room is 12x17 with private entrance and large window. All common areas in the house are furnished. Washer/dryer and lots of storage space. Located on the Bluemont Trail - 10 minute walk to Ballston metro - 4 minute walk to bus stops (1A, 25B, ART 75) - 5 minute drive to I-66 and Route 50 We are just up the street from: - Virginia Hospital Center (VHC) - George Mason University (GMU) law school & grad school - Marymount University - Foreign Service Institute (FSI) - National Foreign Affairs Training Center (NFATC) Two current roommates (1 male, 1 female) and 1 dog. We're clean, quiet, enjoy good tv, movies, game night, cookouts, and welcoming newcomers to the area. Lease includes all utilities (gas/electric/water/cable/internet). No smoking. No drugs. Email for application (no fee), or if you'd like to come by to see the house.


  • A/C
  • All Utilities included
  • Available Parking (may or may not be included in rent)
  • Dishwasher
  • In-unit Laundry
  • Near Med School/Hospital (within 20 minutes by car)
  • No smoking/vaping/cannabis
  • Outdoor space/Balcony/Backyard
  • Shared Living Space
  • Walkable to Public Transit/Shopping/Amenities

Property location

618 North Edison Street, Arlington, Virginia , United States

Housing School Hospital

Availability (Last updated on March 27, 2025)
