Furnished USA East Meadow, NY-Furnished Rooms

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UPdated Bedroom in a house share. Fully furnished room, fully equipped, shared kitchen and bath with cleaning supplies.

Medical professonal owner has private living space and their own bathroom, cooks on occaison, if you are around I can leave a plate. Very relaxed, quiet home on a safe street with plenty of parking and separate entrance.

Pleasant sunroom for eating or study. Wifi. Grocery, restaurants, gym, Walmart, banks, food. Close to parkways, buses, train station, conveniently located. 

Central to beach and nature. 38 minutes to Manhattan by LIRR. Room for a bike. No overnight guests or pets. No smoking, vaping, candles or heavily fried food. Google meet chat before we book. Thank you for looking!

Property location

266 Bellmore Road, East Meadow, New York, United States

Housing School Hospital

Availability (Last updated on March 11, 2025)
