Founded in 1843, the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine now named The Temerty Faculty of Medicine Sept 2020, Today, the University of Toronto ranks among the top academic medicine institutions in the world. The Faculty is unique in that it serves a large and culturally diverse metropolitan community through its
9 fully affiliated hospitals and 18 community affiliated sites.
The MD Program operates on two unique campus communities — the historic St. George campus in downtown Toronto and the sleek and modern Mississauga campus — encompass four academies
New students are assigned to either the Mississauga campus or the St. George campus.
St. George campus : will be further assigned to one of three academy sites shortly after the admissions process is completed.
-FitzGerald, Peters-Boyd
-Wightman-Berris Academies.
-Mississauga campus admission offers are placed automatically with Mississauga Academy of Medicine.
All campus and academy assignments will be for the entire four years of medical school.
Four Academies:
- FitzGerald Academy
The FitzGerald Academy (Fitz) is comprised of an integrated network of hospitals and community agencies committed to excellence in undergraduate medical education, including:
- St. Michael's Hospital (main academic anchor hospital)
- St. Joseph's Health Centre
- The Hospital for Sick Children
- A variety of community agencies
At Fitz, students receive outstanding education from committed teachers in a welcoming and supportive environment. Preclerkship students may be placed at St. Michael's Hospital or St. Joseph's Health Centre for clinical skills teaching.
- Mississauga Academy of Medicine
The Mississauga Academy of Medicine (MAM) was established in 2011 and is comprised of various clinical and academic sites, to offer students clinical experiences in a wide range of health care settings.
Trillium Health Partners (THP) - Anchor site
- Mississauga Hospital (MH / M-site)
- Credit Valley Hospital (CVH / C-site)
- Queensway Health Centre (QHC / Q-site)
University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) - Associate site
- Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex (TDHSC / HSC)
- Peters-Boyd Academy
The Peters-Boyd (PB) Academy is comprised of three hospitals:
- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- Women's College Hospital
- North York General Hospital
Students may be based at any one of these sites during the foundations years. During clerkship, students from all academies will attend rotations at many different sites, including The Hospital for Sick Children, St. Joseph's Hospital and other sites around the GTA.
Currently, the PB Academy enrollment is 63 students for first year and registers over 400 medical students in total every year.
- Wightman-Berris Academy
The Wightman-Berris (WB) Academy is comprised of:
- UHN (University Health Network) - includes Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto Rehab
- Sinai Health System - includes Mount Sinai Hospital and Bridgepoint
- Michael Garron Hospital, formerly Toronto East General Hospital
Some students will also attend educational sessions at Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Humber River Regional Hospital, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, The Hospital For Sick Children and other community sites associated with WB Academy.
Currently, WB Academy student enrolment is approximately 91 first-year students. The Academy registers over 700 preclerkship, clerkship and elective students in total every year.
Source: md.utoronto.ca/
This school has multiple campuses
University of Toronto;Temerty Faculty of Medicine (renamed Sept 2020)
1 King's College Circle, Medical Sciences Building, Room 3157
M5S 1A8
Ontario - Canada
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