Tenant Want Ad #2054

  • Ottawa, ON
  • University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine / THE OTTAWA HOSPITAL/L'HÔPITAL D'OTTAWA - GENERAL CAMPUS
  • Start date : June 15, 2025
  • Furnished/Unfurnished
  • Number of rooms: 2rooms
  • Number of persons: 1
  • Long-term

Hello, my name is Jessica Morency, and I am an incoming R1 at University of Ottawa in general surgery, currently finishing my medical school at University of Calgary. I have been looking for housing in Ottawa that would be suitable long-term for myself, my partner, and my cat. 

My situation is complicated as my partner will not be joining me in Ottawa until January 2027 due to his academic commitments, therefore requiring me to cover rent on one salary until then. My hope is to move once, and to be in a place with enough space for both of us from the outset (ideally at least a two-bedroom) without breaking the bank. Realisitically I need to try to be under $3000 / month ALL INCLUSIVE (rent, parking, utilities, internet).

Housing School Hospital

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